Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Development of End of Year Show Proposal...

After tutorial with Fred regarding my proposal we have edited the first banner quite a lot and the second one is having a few changes.

Banner 1:
No longer has a full length image of old wives' tales brief, but is now broken down into 1 large image and 5 smaller squares. The brief has also changed; it is now the italian food brief.

Banner 2:
The arrangement and positioning of the patterns has altered slightly but is generally the same. The homeware logo is going to be in the largest square and my branding logo has been dropped.
I thought i was going to have to reshoot the italian food brief as the resolution was not high enough, however I was interested in developing the layout and seeing how I could crop into the photographs to try and create some more abstract images that make you want to look at the portfolio.
Some of these work better than others but I am glad I have done it as I now know what kind of photographs I need to be taking of the products.

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